Flight Instructor - Instrument Course
You'll learn from your complete and always current Instrument Instructor integrated ground and flight training course. All the subject areas that you need to know to pass your FAA Knowledge tests and become a safe and smart Instrument Instructor. The Cleared for Instrument Instructing Course is mobile friendly and is designed to go anywhere you need to study.
This course thoroughly covers the subject areas in a fun and easy to understand presentation with short, bite-sized interactive lessons.
Your learning is reinforced by answering FAA-style Instrument Instructor Rating Test Questions that follow each segment of instruction. You can even take unlimited practice tests from KING's entire test question bank!
With the Cleared for Instrument Instructing Course, you'll be able to pass all of these FAA Knowledge Exams:
- Flight Instructor Instrument - Airplane (CFII)
- Ground Instructor Instrument (IGI)
The course subject areas covered include:
- Flight Instruments
- Federal Aviation Regulations
- Navigation
- Departure and Arrival
- Holding Patterns
- Instrument Approaches
- Weather
- IFR Cross-Country
- Flight Planning
- Instrument Ground Instructor
Instrument Instructor Training—at Your Own Pace
You'll build your knowledge on your own terms.
With the Cleared for Instrument Instructing Course, you can...
- Choose where and when you learn
- Choose the number of bite-sized segments you study at each session
- View intuitive reports and charts to assess strengths and weaknesses
You´ll be so engaged by KING´s clear, simple, fun presentation and you´ll get the big picture you need to be the true master of your flight. You´ll have the practical tools to really use your license. And having the big picture means you´ll be ready to deal with the unexpected. You´ll know how to make timely decisions and take action before you and your passengers are at risk—and you will be a confident Instrument Instructor.
- Your online course provides free lifetime access and updates, and updates are automatic whenever changes occur with no action required from you.
FREE Course Companion Apps - For Studying On the Go
Your online course includes a FREE iPad and iPhone King Schools Companion App that connects to your mobile device allowing you to download the course's video lessons. Now you'll be able to watch them at any time, with or without Internet connection. Search "King Schools" in the Apple App store for more information and to download the free King Schools Companion App or Click Here
You'll also have a great tool available to achieve a score you can be proud of on your FAA Knowledge Test. The free KING Flashcard Companion App is available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play app store and is designed to put the final polish on your test preparation. For more information about the KING Flash Card App Click Here.
These apps require you to have a King Schools iLearn account containing at least one KING online course.
*Kit includes Corsair Aviation merchandise
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